Day 46. Deuteronomy 6:20. what is their meaning
God expects us, when asked for, to explain what
his degrees, statues and ordinances mean to us. Not primarily because living up to them is good for us, but as a reaction on the liberation from Egypt, from slavery. (Wanting) to live up to his degrees, statues and ordinances is a reaction to the work of God through Jesus for you today.
Day 45. Deuteronomy 3:18. as the vanguard
When the people of Israel occupy the land God promised, all troops will help until the last of all tribes have reached their part of the land. Today God still want us to get what he promised us. Today also God expects us to help those who were given to us, to get what God has promised.
Day 44. Deuteronomy 1: 2. eleven days
Interesting to see that there are always little remarks in the old texts that seem not important for the story. Why making the remark that Horeb and Kadesh-barnea are eleven days of travel apart from each other? It is to emphasise the reality of the story. Not a legend but a true story.
Day 43. Numbers 33:40. the coming
In the middle of a list of places the people of Israel visited during their quest through the desert there is a kings who knew about the coming of Israel. Did some messenger tell him. Or did he himself understand that a nation was in the making. In the bible lists are there to show that it is a true story, it did really happen. Israel was freed from Egypt. Also the liberation of the world through Jezus is a true.
Day 42. Numbers 31: 3. the LORD’s vengeance
I (too) am struck by the violence of these stories. But in this verse we read that it is vengeance of the LORD. It is God who takes revenge. In this story he uses Israel for this action. Today we live in a new time and with a new covenant. Things changed. God asks us to take action against evil by doing good. This will cause the evil to suffer defeat as the Midianites did then.
Day 41. Numbers 26: 55. by lot
It seems as if God chooses not to inform Mozes about every detail on what should happen. In this case lot apportions the land. But still not all is pure coincidence. For example the Levites do not take part in this apportioning. Also later on there are women who say that a possession should be given to them also. When needed God takes a hand in the way of the world.
Day 40. Numbers 23: 15. wait for God
Bileam counsels God before he takes a decision. Before that God gave him information through dreams. And later also while on his way to Balak, through an angel. And now again we read that Bileam relies on the advice given by God and he does what God asks him to. Do you give God the chance to advise and inspire you?
Day 39. Numbers 20: 21. turned away
The history of the people of Israel is characterised by battles. But they not always seek the confrontation. In this case not with the people of Edom. The reason for that is not clear. Was it a matter of good reason? How can we use this situation today? Is straightforward not always the right direction?
Day 38. Numbers 16: 46 or17: 11 the plague
Sometimes the bible tells something one cannot interpret. In this text all of a sudden there is a plague. The people of Israel seem to have lost their confidence in Moses. Would that be a plague when trust in the order of things disappears, when chaos and anarchy start?
Day 37. Numbers 13: 32 unfavorable report
There are always people that set things in a dark perspective, they report them more unfavorable then they really are. Sometimes with good intentions, to protect you, but sometimes with bad intentions, to make you doubt. They call it "realistic". With God on your side more then "realistic" is possible. Don’t let them put you out of countenance. Try to make Gods dreams with your live come true.
Day 36. Number 9: 19. the charge
Imagine. When and where you go or stay, everything according to the command of the Lord. That does not sound like freedom. They sound like marching orders. No room for own insights or initiative. God has a special relationship with the people of Israel. Why do they follow his commands? Because they trust God. In the dessert one can get lost, is it difficult to survive. God takes care of his people. Today God also gives commands on how you can live, find a way through life. Do you listen to him?