Day 22. Exodus 31: 17 between me and you
A relationship is not one way traffic. In keeping the sabbath not only the people of Israel show loyalty to God but God also shiws His loyalty to His people. We can put God at a terrible distance by slavish submission. But that is not what God wants. No slavish submission but equal relation. What is your relation with God? How are your relationships with people? Equal?
Day 21. Exodus 28: 12 for continual remembrance
Can God forget? Of all part of the garments for the priest it is written how they should look. Only two times their purpose is given. For a continual remembrance before the Lord. It is clear that a priest brings the people of Israel before Gods face over and over again. When he comes to God he bears the object of Gods love on his shoulders and his heart. Are you a priest?
Day 20. Exodus 25: 2. .....whose hearts prompt them...
God asks the people of Israel to offer gifts. Only those who want to should give. God wants to build a tabernacle on earth through the gifts of people. He does not oblige anyone to join in this action. God leaves people a free choice. This already went wrong some time ago (Garden of Eden). In spite of this, God does not oblige us to give from the wealth given by God himself. Do you keep your God given richness for yourself?
Day 19. Exodus 20: 20 So that you do not sin
If you want to live a good life the Ten Commandments give you a good handhold. Unfortunately these commandments are being interpreted as interdictions. That is not the case. They direct you to what is good for you. If you do these things you are on the right track. Sinning is primarily not good for yourself. God does not want to break you. He loves you and wants to give you valuable and loving hints to lead a good life.
Day 18. Exodus 16: 8 What are we?
Is Moses not taking his responsibility? Did not he lead the people of Israel out of Egypt? No, Moses is aware that this burden is not on his shoulders. The people of Israel should realise that they do not follow Moses but their God. God is the one they believe in. Moses took his responsibility when God asked him to and leaves that of his people to them. Do you leave the glory and the burden to God?
Day 17. Exodus 12: 41. That very day.
It is noteworthy that this remark is being made here. It wants to explain something. It is not a coincidence that Israel leaves Egypt. The moment is being marked, emphasised, so the reader will understand it is not a coincidence. Not just a day but that very day. This must be part of a plan, Gods plan. Through ages God shows himself through events that are not as accidental as you might expect.
Day 16. Exodus 9:9. Fine dust
Fine dust. You don’t see it but with every breath it enters your lungs. The Egyptians cannot escape the plagues that God brings over Egypt. Does God really need such horrible acts. Isn't Gods love? The suppression of His people, Israel, does not go unpunished. God calls upon us to leave revenge to Him. Pray for your enemies, who suppress you. Fate sometimes is very hard.
Day 15. Exodus 4:21. I will harden his heart
God tells Moses that he should go tell Pharaoh to let His people, Israel, go. God decided to use people in his plans. So, not a direct prompting of Pharaoh but through Moses. And Moses also knows that Pharao will not do what Moses asks him to do. How do you handle Gods inspiration while you know there will be resistance.
Day 14. Exodus 1: 9. More numerous.
The Pharaoh that saw the immigrants from Israel becoming more numerous did not know Joseph. He did not know about the reasons and events in the past. The hospitality starts changing into hostility. Sometimes it becomes more difficult to keep promises you once made. Do you keep your promises in mind. Do you turn down on the one you promised something or do you make things negotiable.
Day 13. Genesis 49: 1 Days to come
Jacob blesses his sons and tells them their go abouts in the future. It turns out that the future of his sons and the blessings Jacob gives them have everything to do with their behaviour and attitude in the past. Gods blessing is not cheap. Your future has everything to do with your behaviour and attitude today. What blessing would you like to receive?
Day 12. Genesis 45: 26 he could not believe
Jacob was stunned when he heard the good news from his sons. He does not believe. When it is impossible for something to be treu, it is difficult to still start believing. But when his sons tell and show him everthing they went through, his spirit revives. He starts to believe, he gives it a chance. Are you willing to open up when hearing about God and Jezus? Your spirit will revive!
Day 11. Genesis 41:49 ...beyond measure...
Joseph first takes care of everything in the house of Potiphar and when he rules over Egypt he gives the people grain in such abundance that it is beyond measure. When people leave control to Joseph things go well, very well indead. Like Joseph, Jezus also makes everything going well when you leave control to Him. Do you give Jezus the right position in your life?
Day 10. Genesis 38: 26. ... I am wrong....
Judah admits He is guilty. He could have keep his voice at the cost of Tamar. There are people who make good impressions at the cost of others. Are you ready to plead guilty and take the consequences? Don't beat about the bush but confess your sins to God and He will forgive.
Day 9. Genesis 34: 5 ....held his peace....
A shokking story. Rape. Murder. Misuse of religious symbol. Cowardliness. And all that under the eyes of God. Returning evil with evil. The story end with the question: "Should we have accepted this"? Jacob gave it away to his sons and it went completely out of control. Do you take your responsibilities, however difficult they are?
Day 8. Genesis 31: 3. Then the Lord said....
Jacob starts to inderstand the hostility of his situation. The situation he is in is not the right ine anymore. He discovers that a change is needed. A story with dreams and human (inter)action, in fact quite normal. But still it strikes Jacob he needs to change the direction of his life. Does God reach you when He tries to show you another way to go?
Day 7. Genesis 27: 20. Gods plan stands
"Because the Lord your God.....". Jacob seems to make use of his fathers belief. Maybe with good intentions, he tries to help God a little. But God cannot be forced by human intentions or actions. He uses our actions for His plan. Lets try to understand what Gods plan is with our lifes and live it.
Day 6. Genesis 24: 67. He loved her.
Love is meant to grow. It does not always come spontaneous. The more time you spend with your spouse or friend, and you choose for each other, the better you understand why you love him or her. In Isaac's time things went different as nowadays. But love is still more than an emotion. It is a choice and needs time. Gods love for us is also a choice. God keeps His promise.
Day 5. Genesis 20: 6. Integrity of heart.
Often it is said that God punishes. A loving God is also looking for what is good for us, for you. It is not a reward for good behaviour but a God given result of good pratice. Hij keeps us from sinning against Him, against doing things or living in a way that distroys the good relation we have with Him and that brings us away from who we really are.
Day 4. Genesis 17:17. But Abraham laughed
When (a part of) Gods plan becomes clear to you and it seems to be impossible, think of Abraham who thought it was impossible that God would do what He promissed. He laughed the laugh of disbelieve. "Yes, duh...". Already at this age and still having an child? Maybe for you there is another example. What looks as if out of reach is reachable for God.
Day 3. Genesis 11: 4 A monument for ourselves.
There is nothing wrong in building a tower. When this monument prevents you from reaching your destiny, it becomes questionable. What is your destiny? Do you honour Gods plan with your life or do you follow your own greatness. The earth, life and abundance, these are your destiny. Don't stick to your own achievments but honour God through your life.
Day 2. Genesis 6: 6. God feels hurt.
God is a God with feelings. Like we, God can feel hurt. He is not made of stone. Like we, He would like His feelings to be taken into account. That requires us to have a human (and thus devine) lifestyle.
Day 1. Genesis 1: 1. Gods Spirit is moving.
Although your situation might look like dark waters, bear in mind that Gods Spirit is sweeping over you. All you have to do is say: "God, fill me with your Spirit, so I find a way."